
Want a career in Decision Sciences? Want to work with Fortune 500 companies? Want to push your boundaries and scale new heights? Look no further!

At Mu Sigma, we constantly seek fresh young talent and those looking to boost their careers and growth.

Career In Decision Sciences

Talent Strategy

Mu Sigma is a company for the young, with the young, and by the young. Over the years, we have cracked the formula for training graduates out of college and molding them into professionals who can deliver impact. We hire globally and look for a solid foundational skill set in math and statistics. Being a Mu Sigman requires a unique mindset combining curiosity, learning-on-the go, engaging effectively, and grit. When you enter Mu Sigma, you start the journey of a lifetime. 

Mu Sigma Careers

How We Work

At Mu Sigma, we are method-oriented and vibrant. Whether onsite with clients or in our delivery center, the energy on the floor is palpable. We don't fear the business problems we face, nor do we hold the methods of the past in high regard. But we are humble enough to know we don’t possess all the answers. We are proud of our math, technology, and business roots. After all, our name stands for the mean and standard deviation. We acknowledge that we are a bunch of data-driven, analytical geeks. We know that geeky is cool in this world of fast-paced change, and we are proud of it.

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Explore Your Fit

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Job Search

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Over the last 18 years, Mu Sigma has nurtured over 14500+ Decision Scientists. We hire people out of colleges and develop them into world-class Decision Scientists. Everyone at Mu Sigma goes through a unique growth path focused on developing their Math, Business, and Tech quotient. At Mu Sigma, you can solve real-world problems while continuously learning new skills. We provide an environment that tests our boundaries and digs deep into our potential while providing a clear growth path.   

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We've got the answers to your questions.

  • How do I apply for a job at Mu Sigma?
  • What is a typical workday like in Mu Sigma?
  • How can I find an internship at Mu Sigma?
  • What types of degrees and training are required?
  • How do I prepare for an interview at Mu Sigma?
  • What essential skills are required for a data science role in your company? 
  • What is the recruitment process for data scientists in your company? 
  • What are the company's work hours and output expectations for new hires?
  • Can you describe the company culture and work environment for data science employees? 
  • How does the company promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace? 
  • Are there opportunities for professional development and career advancement within the company? 
  • What kind of mentorship and guidance is available for new employees?